Through the art of craftsmanship, PURPOSE Jewelry is providing rehabilitation to young girls and women escaping human trafficking through their non-profit program, International Sanctuary, with five locations around the world, including Mumbai, India; Kampala, Uganda; Tijuana, Mexico; and two in Orange County, California.
Human trafficking is a worldwide crisis with over 40 million people enslaved all over the globe, exploited for profit, and held in bondage, with every country in the world affected by human trafficking as countries of origin, transit, destination, or a combination of all three. Simply rescuing girls and women from their traffickers is not enough, though - these human trafficking survivors need continued support for them to heal and to recover, and to successfully transition into a better, brighter and happier future.
Working through the program at International Sanctuary, every single piece in the PURPOSE Jewelry collection has been handcrafted by a survivor of human trafficking, with 100% of proceeds from the sale of the jewellery going directly back to the sanctuaries to provide each artisan with fair wages, education and holistic care, empowering these girls and women escaping human trafficking to embrace their true identity and worth.
International Sanctuary is a safe, loving community providing places of shelter, education and meaningful employment for these brave survivors, a place where they can heal from the horrors they’ve experienced, learn to trust other people, and grow into who they were created to be.
Ensuring that young women can provide for themselves and their families through dignified work is the first step to freedom. For many of the women, when they arrive at International Sanctuary, this is the first time they have had control over their own money. “The happiest day of my life was when I received my first salary from International Sanctuary. It made me financially independent, and I finally had the freedom to choose,” said Kiara*, one of the women working with the Mumbai Sanctuary.
But the girls and women employed by International Sanctuary are not just receiving professional job training and a stable income - they are also given vital access to health care and the tools necessary to pursue their desired career in life.
Access to education is an integral part of the program, with so many of the girls and women who come to International Sanctuary having had very limited access to schooling. International Sanctuary in India, for example, has developed a personalised education program through their “Academy” to give each woman a basic education to make her better equipped for her future, with her own learning track, and faithful volunteers in the United States working one-on-one with them through a customised computer program.
Stories of empowerment, accomplishment, and hope show the success of the program and academy. “I have reached a place where my life choices have become better, and I have grown to now manage a team. When I started working here, I never interacted with people, but that’s all in the past,” says Miremba*, from the Kampala Sanctuary in Uganda. “Now I have lots of friends. International Sanctuary has always helped me financially and for my health and education. I’m so confident now. I was even able to buy my own house!”.
Tulasii is thrilled to be partnering with PURPOSE Jewelry as a stockist to support this incredible initiative and its mission to empower girls and women escaping human trafficking to embrace their true identity and worth until all are free.
“Empowerment is a right everyone should feel.” Victoria*, Tijuana Sanctuary